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As a result of the Amendment, DIR-3 KYC can now be filed on or before 30th September of the immediate next financial year as compared to 30th June, previously.

Government is kind enough not to take any fees for the compliant loving persons, but if DIR-3 KYC can not be filed till 30th September also, then there is a late filing fees of Rs.5000/-.

Introduction of New Facility- “DIR-3 KYC WEB”

The quote ‘DO GOOD, HAVE GOOD’ is a reflection of the steps government is taking to make it easier for Compliant companies/people to make their filings as easy as possible and so they introduced this new form DIR-3 KYC WEB.

What is DIR-3-KYC-WEB?

It is kind of a pre filled form available at the MCA website where all the details of the directors are prefilled along with the mobile number and email-id already inserted.

Who Can File DIR-3-KYC-WEB?

1. All the Individuals who have been allotted DIN on or before 31st March, 2018.

2. DIN holder has filed DIR-3 KYC in/for the previous financial year.

3. No update is needed in those details.


A Director who has DIN on or before 31st March. 2018 had to file his KYC for 2017-18 via E-form DIR-3 KYC, so all his details have already been uploaded on the MCA server, now he just has to verify those details and if they are correct simply file it using DIR-4-KYC-WEB.

But if a person is allotted DIN on or after 1st April, 2018, then this is the first time he will be filing his KYC, so he has to file it using E-Form DIR-3 KYC.

A person who has DIN on or before 31st March, 2018 but has not filed KYC till date also has to file DIR-3 KYC through E-form and not through KYC-WEB

A person who has DIN on or before 31st March, 2018 and has also filed his KYC form for previous year, but needs to update the details in that form has to file E-Form

Crux :- First time KYC filers have to take E-form route and subsequently they can taken benefit of the Web Form service.

Procedure to File DIR-3-KYC-WEB?

Step 1:

Login to MCA Website>MCA Services>DIN Services>DIR-3-KYC-WEB

Step 2:

Enter DIN>Enter OTP(sent on previously entered mobile number and e-mail id)>Verify OTP.

Step 3:

Verify the details shown as per previously filled KYC form, if everything is correct, you are good to go>press proceed.

Step 4:

Click Continue and a challan will generate for Rs.0/-(filing within due date) and you are Done.

Step 5:

Check SRN status for confirming the KYC verification

How “DP Accounting & Taxation Services” will Help you for dri-3kyc?

DP Accounting & Taxation Services will do satisfying dri-3 kyc Registration. We are providing dri-3 kyc services in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.